All the Unborn Chickens

Sad news during the week - four one night and then, two days later, another three, leaving just one peep peeping chicken blinking at me from her perch. The fox is back.
Mercifully, I took her down to a friend's house and she is settling in just fine. Back here, things are quiet down the backyard and the weeds are slowly bending up towards the light.

Reminds me of one of my favorite songs, where there is the lament for all the unborn chickens from all those millions of eggs from the factory farms. As if the eggs would ever be born, or ever even be fertilized...

So it's back to the drawing board for a new and improved fox proof chicken house. I haven't made things any easier, I have let the chickens run free range everyday and although they have last nearly a year, all it takes is an errant fox or do and they are slaughtered.

Just being a bit sentimental, but it does really get to me when the birds are totally free and scavenging over such a beautiful, wide, area for so long and then they are simply disappeared completely one day. My heart would race as I ran through the undergrowth, and every other time they would be there, just scratching around, under some thicket of bushes.

The neighbor was upset too. They promise they will get on board and help fix the place up when the husband gets back from Afghanistan.

So there's still plenty to be grateful for. We have 18 eggs left from the girls and will eat them with gratitude knowing the next batch will be laid soon, but not just yet. Funny to be eating the thing you are grateful for, but what other way to show our appreciation?


  1. So sad. Me and the kids are still upset over our fox attack, several months ago. How quickly chickens become part of the family.

    Hope you can improve your chook shed design and get some more girls soon.

    And thanks for your comment today too, to which I said "hallelujah, brother!"

  2. Oh no! Not again! I'm so sorry.

    I must applaud you on your outlook, however. You have such a healthy attitude.

    Sorry for your loss.

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