Alcohol Free Songs

Just got back from my walk around the harbor and today I was whistling (for some unknown reason - I've been to paradise - but I've never been to me) and I changed the words to

I'm living in Paradise,
ever since I went alcohol free!

So there's todays challenge, build an 'alcohol-free' lyric from an established song and see how it goes.

Sometimes you have to skip across the words to help squeeze them into the existing lyrics.

So, yeah, I'm still sober, and just a little bit sad for content.  I guess this is called being vacantly happy, where I am content with things by and large and am letting out my frustrations on business suppliers/ associates instead of taking them home with a bottle of wine.  Is so much more satisfying actually nailing a business associate when they screw up there and then instead of being half absent and directing my frustration at the wrong thing (ie alcohol).

Have cut ties with two business associates this week who feel entitled to offer poor service/ business practise over months and months and then expect me to reciprocate at 100% professional.  Not good enough so have edited my business website and they two suppliers "no longer appear" associated with us.  Was a long time coming...

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