Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping

Am sleeping so much better since I stopped drinking. I have been going to bed at 8pm and sleeping through to 6am! It's like I am recovering from all those lost hours of sleep when I was up walking around the house with s full glass of red wine dripping all over the carpet!

And on a personal note, my bowel motions are becoming more regular and less off a tar-like science experiment. If you needed to know...

So I am building this bank of sober days so that I am even more determined not to have a single drink again. It is so positive to be clear headed, alert and almost chirpy without feeling that "angry blood" feeling of being slightly hung over all the time.


  1. Sleeping is good! I am finding myself taking afternoon naps just 6 days into my sobriety, I think its part of the recovery process! Keep it up :)


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