Busy Busy Busy

I'm calling out people who start every conversation with a sigh and then start listing how busy they are.  It's boring, it sucks, I don't really care and it's why I'm not on LinkedIn. I just feel a yawn coming on when you tell me how busy you are and by implication, how in demand and exciting your life is and how my life, by inference - just isn't stacking up. 

But, yeah, I have been busy, since we're talking about it.

Mrs D - the super sober blogger 

Got back in touch with Mrs D - She is a wonderful, inspirational writer and friend who has shared her drinking story over on Mrs D is Going Without.  Lotta has evolved into a smart blogger and online celebrity who I am sure you have encountered if you have been loitering around in the sober blogosphere.

She kindly published my Guest Blog Post on, of all things, eating bread.  You can read it on her side project - LivingSober.org.nz - being published on the site is a wonderful privilege and it would be amazing for you to pop on over and share a comment.

Also, there's a Green Smoothie recipe that helps power my recovery - you can see the recipe on LivingSober and make it yourself.  So a big thank you to Lotta - she continues to do amazing things for the sober community!

Sharing Chelsie and Wendy's Story

I connected with two bloggers who are making an impact with their blogs - Wendy, who writes Tipsy No More - and Chelsie, who writes The Life of a Recovering Addict.  I have been following their stories and their personal growth as they move through addiction and embrace sobriety.
Alcoholic Life
You get this cool button as a contributor

I'm completely thrilled they chose to be a part of my side project - AlcoholicLife.com - a space for sober bloggers to share an original post - but also for anonymous contributions by readers who are struggling with their drinking. 

I was motivated to build this site and encourage people to populate it with writing because of the success of my own Your Story, Your Turn Page.

You can read Wendy's Story Here, and Chelsie's contribution is here.

Final Preparation for Half Marathon 

I'm tapering right now - that's what athletes do in the days leading up to the event - you lessen your training and rest so your body is fresh and you are super keen to get out and compete.  (I just called myself an athlete).

I'm doing five 6AM yoga classes this week - as well as 8km slow runs in the afternoon. 

I am feeling really strong and focused and not making this out to be a "big thing." 

The actual doing the run is where I want to be expending my energy - not in the build up or in weaving some story around it.  So I am not telling anyone about it (except here) and just quietly doing my thing so come Sunday morning 7AM, I will be in a good calm place to run 21km.

My book is For Sale on Amazon!

I have published my 60,000 word book  Live Alcohol Free: Your Last 100 Days Alcoholic: You can stop drinking with a proven self-development and personal growth pre-quit plan to beat alcoholism from a sober blogger. (Last 100 Days Guides) on Amazon and you can buy it right now! It's over 200 pages, so it's definitely not one of those little ebooks.

I'm so proud of it - and at $3.99 it's less than a magazine.

It has been a lifelong goal of mine to publish my first book, and I can share that I am writing my second book right now!

It is very powerful to be publishing a book and running a half marathon within days - and maintaining my sobriety and yoga discipline.

The Stop Drinking Club

Finally - my super duper newest venture is The Stop Drinking Club - a seven day email course on getting those crucial first days of sober just right.  The website is still in testing, but I'm so fucking excited about this one - it's an awesome concept and my research suggests it will get traction.

You can sign up right now for the course - it's free - but remember it is in development.  Official launch date in days - I have a bit more to finish off.

OK, signing off, watch out for my next update, where I'll be introducing another superstar sobriety writer and sharing the interview.

Stay sober, keep focus and subscribe  to my author website BrenMurphy.net



  1. I just found the little comment button!

  2. Hey,
    Mmm, maybe that comment button needs to be embiggened.

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