Friday Drinks After Work

Yeah, they don't exist anymore. So here's to feeling fresh on the Saturday upside and getting stuck into those family things sans hangover.  Have been very busy at work and that's always a bonus, except for when I butchered this Lichtenstein pop art - might've been funny if I had any creativity left.

Which reminds me of that delightfully indulgent phase I went through when everyone was a drunken genius - so I soaked up a few more buckets of booze being a bohemian artist. Wrote pages and pages of tense love lorn juvenalia about no one in particular or if it was about someone it was Maia from film school who I sat near and talked to but never actually got to - you guessed it - go for a drink with. Probably because I was drunk already (not probably, I actually was, a speechless drunkeness where I was too embarrassed to actually say much because she would see I was already drunk and it was like only 5 in the afternoon).

So a total failure to launch...


  1. I totally grabbed onto that 'I'm an artist - I have to drink like this - all the great's did!' etc.

    Phew I was kidding myself. I've never felt more creative than I do being sober.

    side story: I decided before I got sober to do 'The Artists Way' part of which was taking yourself on a date, to have an expereince, take in the sights sounds etc. Where'd I go? A dark unknown bar & drank wine ALL NIGHT. I didn't even remember the date, with myself. Ridiculous :)

  2. Me too, I was always locked on this creative idea where I had a half drunk bottle of merlot at my elbow and would be tapping some great prose into the keyboard when too often I would get frustrated or distracted and end up outside, smoking, staring at the moon.

    So wine + creativity = no production if we make an equation of it. Simple.


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