Two Weeks Sober - Can See Clearly Now...

So many little achievements being sober - it is almost as self absorbing and engrossing as sneaking around planning and hiding booze for my next bender! But without being too complacent, it is timely to appreciate simply be grateful for being clear headed, calm and alert.

Have been doing some business research and compare the struggle for sobriety with the board and CEO of an organisation - not performing properly at the head of the organ means the staff and frontline workers are bumbling around inefficiently and basically chaos ensues. This translates into relationship breakdown, employment struggles and financial difficulties.

So it could be said that making the decision to go sober, and remove alcohol from my life is a 'clean out' of the executive and a fresh new focus on day to day living. It may be presumptuous and jumping the gun at this early stage, but like my giving up smoking three years ago, I just feel strong that I will never ever drink or smoke again in my life.

It is too much stress and commitment to be juggling getting drunk enough during the day and then being sober enough to present as straight when required and still being organised enough to get stuff doen in business, career and on the home front.

It is just not possible and 'little cracks' were starting to show and they have not magically healed without my stopping drinking, getting sober, straight and having a few weeks decent sleep.

Take the time to get it out of your life if you can, I recommend it.


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